ASNLF = Acheh-Sumatra National Liberation Front, better known in Acheh as Atjèh Meurdéhka (AM).
The UN General Assembly Resolution 2621-XXV, adopted on October 12, 1970, which contains a complete program of action to implement the Declaration on Independence categorically called as a crime, all efforts to maintain a colonial domination over any people, and recognized "the inherent right of all colonized peoples to struggle with all necessary means" against the colonialist powers.
The UN General Assembly Resolution 2711-XXV, adopted on October 14, 1970, recognized the legitimacy of the liberation struggle, including armed struggle, waged by the colonized peoples to gain their rights of self-determination and to get rid of colonial or foreign domination. All member nations are requested to give necessary aid to such struggles.
These are legal basis in International Law of the foundation of the Acheh-Sumatra National Liberation Front in the struggle to regain their legitimate right of self-determination from Indonesian colonialism. The movement affirms its internationalist character by its solidarity with other liberation movements of the oppressed peoples all over the globe.
The Objectives of the ASNLF
The supreme aim of the Acheh Sumatra National Liberation Front is the survival of the people of Acheh Sumatra as a nation; the survival of their political, social, cultural, and religious heritage which are being destroyed by the Indonesian colonialists.
Secondly, to call the world's attention to the fact that the question of Acheh Sumatra is not a question of "separatism" as alleged by the Indonesian colonialist regime and the Western press, but a question of self-determination of the people of Acheh Sumatra, and a question of decolonization of the Dutch East Indies alias "Indonesia" which has not been decolonized legally and properly in accordance with the purpose and meaning of the Charter of the United Nations, with the principles and procedures of International Law, and with the UN Resolution on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. Therefore, the question of decolonization of the Dutch East Indies alias "Indonesia" must now be re-opened.
Sovereignty over a colonial territory is not transferable by the colonialist power to other colonialist power;
All powers must be returned by the colonialist governments to the native people of each territory - in this case, Holland must return all powers to the people of Acheh-Sumatra, and not to Indonesia - UN Resolution 1514-XV;
The duty of all states to end colonialism, and to stop anyone from using force against peoples struggling for their independence - UN Resolution 2625-XXV;
The right of colonized people to fight against their colonialists, and that colonialists, and that colonialism is considered an international crime - UN Resolution 2621-XXV;
The use of force is prohibited against those who seek their self-determination - UN Resolution 3314-XXIX;
Each colonial territory has a separate legal status from other colonial territories and each has the right to independence; this separate legal status cannot be annulled by colonialist decision to unify the administration of these territories like the Dutch did in Indonesia – UN Resolution 2625-XXV;
and finally, all peoples have the right to selfdetermination and independence under the Charter of the United Nations -Article 1, Paragraphs 2 and 55; under the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples, Articles 5, 6, and 11; under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, under International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
According to all these rules and procedures which are being relentlessly executed in all ex-colonial territories except in the Dutch East Indies.
The UN General Assembly Resolution 2621-XXV, adopted on October 12, 1970, which contains a complete program of action to implement the Declaration on Independence categorically called as a crime, all efforts to maintain a colonial domination over any people, and recognized "the inherent right of all colonized peoples to struggle with all necessary means" against the colonialist powers.
The UN General Assembly Resolution 2711-XXV, adopted on October 14, 1970, recognized the legitimacy of the liberation struggle, including armed struggle, waged by the colonized peoples to gain their rights of self-determination and to get rid of colonial or foreign domination. All member nations are requested to give necessary aid to such struggles.
These are legal basis in International Law of the foundation of the Acheh-Sumatra National Liberation Front in the struggle to regain their legitimate right of self-determination from Indonesian colonialism. The movement affirms its internationalist character by its solidarity with other liberation movements of the oppressed peoples all over the globe.
The Objectives of the ASNLF
The supreme aim of the Acheh Sumatra National Liberation Front is the survival of the people of Acheh Sumatra as a nation; the survival of their political, social, cultural, and religious heritage which are being destroyed by the Indonesian colonialists.
Secondly, to call the world's attention to the fact that the question of Acheh Sumatra is not a question of "separatism" as alleged by the Indonesian colonialist regime and the Western press, but a question of self-determination of the people of Acheh Sumatra, and a question of decolonization of the Dutch East Indies alias "Indonesia" which has not been decolonized legally and properly in accordance with the purpose and meaning of the Charter of the United Nations, with the principles and procedures of International Law, and with the UN Resolution on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. Therefore, the question of decolonization of the Dutch East Indies alias "Indonesia" must now be re-opened.
The Legal Status of Acheh-Sumatra under International Law
Sovereignty in a colony or in a non-selfgoverning territory does not lie in the hands of the colonialist power, or in the administering authority, but in the hands of the people of this colony or territory - UN Resolution 1514-XV;Sovereignty over a colonial territory is not transferable by the colonialist power to other colonialist power;
All powers must be returned by the colonialist governments to the native people of each territory - in this case, Holland must return all powers to the people of Acheh-Sumatra, and not to Indonesia - UN Resolution 1514-XV;
The duty of all states to end colonialism, and to stop anyone from using force against peoples struggling for their independence - UN Resolution 2625-XXV;
The right of colonized people to fight against their colonialists, and that colonialists, and that colonialism is considered an international crime - UN Resolution 2621-XXV;
The use of force is prohibited against those who seek their self-determination - UN Resolution 3314-XXIX;
Each colonial territory has a separate legal status from other colonial territories and each has the right to independence; this separate legal status cannot be annulled by colonialist decision to unify the administration of these territories like the Dutch did in Indonesia – UN Resolution 2625-XXV;
and finally, all peoples have the right to selfdetermination and independence under the Charter of the United Nations -Article 1, Paragraphs 2 and 55; under the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples, Articles 5, 6, and 11; under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, under International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
According to all these rules and procedures which are being relentlessly executed in all ex-colonial territories except in the Dutch East Indies.